Guidelines for Giving Employment References

It is the aim of Cornell University to support and assist current and former employees in their efforts to secure new positions either within or outside of the university. To that end, the university encourages employees who are contacted for an employment reference to openly and honestly participate in the process, in keeping with the information contained below.

Giving Employment References

Note: New York State Law protects a current or former employer when they provide truthful information (i.e., facts, not opinions) about an employee's job performance to someone who is in the position to make an employment decision regarding that employee.

The purpose of conducting an employment reference is to obtain information related to the skills, strengths, weaknesses and overall performance of the job seeker in order to make a more informed hiring decision.

Types of References

Internal Reference

An internal reference check occurs when a current Cornell hiring supervisor/manager requests an employment reference from another current university employee for an applicant seeking employment within the university.

When a current or former employee of the university is seeking employment within the university, current Cornell staff and faculty with direct knowledge of the applicant’s employment skills and history may be contacted for an employment reference. Those individuals may include the applicant’s:

As Cornell is considered from the legal standpoint to be one single employer, it is expected that hiring managers will contact other current university staff or faculty members, including the applicant’s current university supervisor, who have direct knowledge of the applicant’s job-related skills, even though these people may not be specifically listed by the applicant. Please note:

External Reference

An external reference check occurs when a representative outside of Cornell requests an employment reference from a current university employee for an applicant seeking employment outside the university.

When a current or former employee of the university is seeking employment outside of the university, Cornell staff and faculty with direct knowledge of the applicant’s employment skills and history may be contacted for an employment reference. While the university encourages participation in external reference checks, such participation is not required.

Written Reference Requests

Some external employers’ reference-check process may include written reference checks. Assuming you have agreed to serve as a reference for an employee seeking other employment, as you complete the written response, it is important to follow the same guidelines as you would when responding to an oral request. If you receive a written request for someone for whom you did not agree to serve as a reference, you may opt not to respond. If you receive a written request that contains questions to which you are uncomfortable responding, you do not need to provide a detailed response to all questions. You may also wish to consult with the local human resource representative for your college/unit. Please note:

Employment Verification

If employees are applying for a loan to buy a car or a house or have another need that requires an employment verification, the Division of Human Resources, partners with i2Verify to provide 24/7 access and respond, as needed, to requests. A properly credentialed verifier can securely complete an employment verification at I2Verify will verify dates of employment and current or most recent job title and department information as found in the university human resource/payroll system. Employees may access the self-service portal at to view their information and manage access to their employment data. Additionally, employees can generate their own unique employment verification reports. See the i2Verify employee user guide for step by step instructions.

If you need a reference for yourself

To ensure that the reference-checking process goes as smoothly as possible, staff members seeking other employment should attend to the following guidelines:

In addition, if a current supervisor is not listed as a reference, staff members are encouraged to inform their supervisors that they are seeking a transfer as early in the process as possible, ideally before formally interviewing.

Guidelines for Giving References