Properties of Metals and Nonmetals


An Introduction to the Properties of Metals and Non-Metals

We can distinguish elements into metals and non-metals on the basis of their chemical and physical properties.. etals are defined as elements that possess properties such as , malleability, ductility, sonorous and good conductors of heat and electricity. While nonmetals are those elements that are not malleable, ductile, sonorous and are poor conductors of heat and electricity. In the following figure the periodic table is given by highlighting metals and non-metals as well as metalloids.

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In this article, we will discuss the properties of metals and non-metals and the difference between the two on the basis of their properties (with exceptions) in detail.

What is metal?

A metal in chemistry is defined as an element that can easily form positive ions called cations and tends to make metallic bonds. The metals are distinguished by their chemical and physical properties such as malleability, ductility, ionization and bonding properties etc.

Properties of Metals

Examples of metals are gold, aluminium, iron and magnesium etc.. They show the following properties .

  1. Physical Properties of Metals: Some of the main physical properties of metals are given below.

Chemical Properties of Metals: Some of the chemical properties of metals are given below.

Metal + Oxygen Metal oxide

Metal oxide + water Base

Example –Magnesium is metal and when it reacts with oxygen, it forms magnesium oxide. When we dissolve magnesium oxide in water, it gives magnesium hydroxide. The reactions are given below.

MgO + H 2 O Mg(OH) 2

Metal + Water Metal hydroxide + hydrogen

Example – Sodium metal reacts with water and forms sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. The reaction is given below –

Na + H 2 O NaOH + H 2

Metal + Acid Metal salt + hydrogen

Example – Magnesium metal reacts with hydrochloric acid and forms magnesium chloride and hydrogen. The reaction is given below –

Mg + 2HCl MgCl 2 + H 2

Metal + Base Metal salt + hydrogen

Example – Aluminium metal reacts with Sodium hydroxide and forms sodium aluminate and hydrogen gas. The reaction is given below –

Al + NaOH NaAlO 2 + H 2

Example – Iron is more reactive than copper. So, it displaces copper from its salt. The reaction is given below –

CuSO 4 + Fe FeSO 4 + Cu

What is non-metal?

A non-metal in chemistry can be defined as a chemical element that generally in a chemical reaction gains electrons when reacts with a metal. It has a tendency to form an acid if combined with oxygen and hydrogen. More variety in colour and states are displayed by the non-metals in comparison to metals.

Properties of Non-metals

Examples of non-metals are chlorine, carbon, bromine, sulphur, phosphorus etc. They show the following properties :

  1. Physical Properties of Non-metals: Some of the major physical properties of non-metals are given below.
  1. Chemical Properties of Nonmetals: Some of the chemical properties of elements are given below.

Nonmetal + Oxygen Nonmetal oxide

Nonmetal oxide + water Acid

Example – Sulfur is a nonmetal and when it reacts with oxygen, it forms sulfur dioxide. When we dissolve sulfur dioxide in water, it gives sulfurous acid. Reactions are given below.

SO 2 + H 2 O H 2 SO 3

Example – C + conc. 4HNO 3 CO 2 + 4NO 2 + 2H 2 O

Example – 4S + 8NaOH Na 2 SO 4 + 3Na 2 S + 4H 2 O (At >600 ℃)

Example – Bromine is more reactive than iodine. So, it displaces iodine in potassium iodide compounds. The reaction is given below –

2KI + Br 2 2KBr + I 2

Difference Between Metals And Non-metals

We are differentiating metals and non-metals through their physical and chemical properties. Here, the difference between metal and nonmetal is given in a tabular manner with exceptions for better understanding. The above physical and chemical properties of metals and non-metals are compared here.