How to Conduct a PCI Gap Assessment


Is your organization ready to comply with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) framework? If you process or store credit card data, you’ll need to be. A PCI gap analysis, also known as a PCI gap assessment, can help you identify any missing or incomplete cybersecurity infrastructure you’ll need to patch before your next required audit for certification, internal or external.

How to Prepare for Compliance with a PCI Gap Assessment

The DSS framework, developed and enforced by the Security Standards Council (SSC), has 12 primary Requirements that eligible merchants need to follow. These are distributed across six primary sections, or Goals, within the framework. A successful PCI DSS gap analysis should assess for complete implementation of the given Requirements and their sub-requirements within each Goal. So, the six steps outlined below correspond directly to the PCI DSS Goals.

Step 1: Assess Security Across All Networks and Systems

The first major step in your PCI DSS gap assessment involves assessing weaknesses relevant to the first two Requirements, which collectively make up the first Goal in the DSS. The first Goal is one of the more technical of the six, governing specific architectural implementation and approaches to device and network settings and configurations for cardholder data (CHD) and the broader CHD environment (CDE).

Goal 1 is established across two Requirements and 11 sub-Requirements.

PCI DSS Requirement 1: Install and Maintain Protective Firewalls

A PCI gap analysis needs to focus on the following sub-Requirements for Requirement 1:

PCI DSS Requirement 2: Replace all Settings Supplied by Vendors

A PCI gap analysis needs to focus on the following sub-Requirements for Requirement 2: